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Mark Gimenez

"Scott – it's Rebecca. I need you." His wife left him for a younger man. He blames himself. He could not give her what she had needed, so another man had. Now, two years later, she needs what only he can give her: a defense to a murder charge. "Brilliant writing, masterful plot and all the thrill of the courtroom in one. Grisham, step aside." – City AM (UK)

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"Scott – it's Rebecca. I need you." His wife left him for a younger man. He blames himself. He could not give her what she had needed, so another man had. Now, two years later, she needs what only he can give her: a defense to a murder charge. "Brilliant writing, masterful plot and all the thrill of the courtroom in one. Grisham, step aside." – City AM (UK)

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Previous Sale: Discounted to $0.99 on Sat Sep 09 2017.