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The 4 Best Computer Operating Systems Books

Mon Mar 17 2025

by Book Raider

Step into any bookstore or log onto your favorite online retailer, and you're bound to be overwhelmed by the tsunamis of books on computer operating systems. We're talking high tides of Linux, deluges of Windows, even the occasional MacOS monsoon. As a fledgling computer nerd or seasoned tech wizard, wading through this sea can be as daunting as staring down an aggressive compiler error in your morning code.

But fear not. I’ve traded my water wings for a keyboard and a strong cup of java (no, not the scripting language) to do the heavy lifting for you. I spelunked the cavernous depths of this all-encapsulating tech literature genre - surfed the waves, braved the storms, and survived to tell the tale. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the top picks on this curated list of the best Computer Operating Systems books out there. Reader, prepare for enlightened understanding and maybe a few chuckles along the way.

Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Modern Operating Systems

by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Why Modern Operating Systems is on this list: Tanenbaum, the author, has been in the computer science subfields since we were still trying to figure out how to fit computers into a mere single room. His book, 'Modern Operating Systems' pushes the boundaries of our understanding of operating systems, making it a must-read in our book list.

'Modern Operating Systems' is a dive into how operating systems work, in an easily digestible format. It's layered heavy with information that's crucial to appreciating how computers, the things you're staring at right now, actually tick. But don't worry, it's written with great humor and easy-to-understand language that won't leave you clawing your hair out.

What readers like: Readers really love the practical examples in this book and the conversational writing style that makes the learning fun, rather than feeling like you're dragging yourself up a hill of computer jargon. Tanenbaum sprinkles the whole book with telling anecdotes and witty remarks that make you chuckle and shake your head in amusement. Basically, it's like having a chat about operating systems with your cool best friend, not an intimidating professor.

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Operating System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne

Operating System Concepts

by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne

Why Operating System Concepts is on this list: If you're all about peeling back the layers of the tech onion, this book is your guide. It's centered around the concept of operating systems, which last time we checked, is pretty much at the heart of everything computer science. Basically, you can't get to first base in computer science without understanding operating systems.

Operating System Concepts is a bit of a legend in the tech field. It's been around for a while, but it's still as relevant as ever. Think of it as the tech world's answer to War and Peace. It's comprehensive, in-depth, and will give you a solid understanding of operating systems, from processes to storage. Don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds, it's presented in simple, easy to understand language.

What readers like: Readers appreciate the book's clarity, depth, and comprehensiveness. It's one of those rare technical books that is not only informative but also pretty fun to read. You'll feel like you're squatting down with a group of really smart buddies who just happen to be experts in operating systems. The book has a knack for making complex concepts understandable to the everyday Joe and Jane. Plus, it's served a bunch of readers well in their courses and careers, so it's got that going for it too.

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Windows via C/C++ by Jeffrey Richter, Christophe Nasarre

Windows via C/C++

by Jeffrey Richter, Christophe Nasarre

Why Windows via C/C++ is on this list: This book is an absolute gem for anyone wishing to deep dive into the operational intricacies of the Windows OS while also getting hands-on with C/C++. It's like a backstage pass to Windows, only less Rock n' Roll and more code (but let's admit it, to some of us, code IS rock n' roll).

Windows via C/C++ breaks down complex programming challenges and simplifies them into digestible, understandable bits. It's your guided tour of the Windows kernel and system internals, with programming challenges thrown in. So, it's like sightseeing, but instead of old buildings and monuments, you are navigating function calls and runtime environments. And instead of taking pictures, you are writing C/C++ code. Fun, right?

What readers like: Readers absolutely adore the approachable way in which complex topics are presented, turning what could be a technical snorefest, into an engaging learning experience. They also appreciate the practical insights shared by the authors and the hands-on coding tasks that instill confidence and mastery in handling Windows operation via C/C++. A cherry on top is the authors' ability to make it feel like you're learning from a friendly mentor, rather than a monotone textbook.

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The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook by Michael Kerrisk

The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook

by Michael Kerrisk

Why The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook is on this list: This book found itself in this list because no operating systems book list would be complete without a comprehensive guide to Linux and UNIX - two of the most pivotal operating systems that shaped computing as we know it today.

The Linux Programming Interface, penned by Linux expert Michael Kerrisk, is a deep dive into the internal workings of Linux and UNIX. It’s a rich learning tool that provides a detailed overview of system programming, including I/O, files & directories, processes, signals, time, and more. It acts as a bridge linking underlying OS concepts and potentials to the everyday operations we perform. This book not only spells out the 'what' but importantly the 'how' and 'why' of UNIX and Linux.

What readers like: Readers enjoy the fact that this book is no brief summer read but a hefty tome giving each aspect of systems programming the detailed attention it deserves. Kerrisk's smooth writing style makes even the most complex topics approachable for all. This book is like a handy toolkit for anyone interested in the nitty-gritty of Linux and UNIX, and you’ll find yourself referencing it often. The depth and breadth of content covered make it an engaging material for both newcomers and seasoned system programmers.

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