The 11 Best Screenwriting Books
Are you the sort of person who can effortlessly churn out mind-twisting thrillers, awkward rom-coms or buddy cop sagas in your sleep? Or maybe you have carefully crafted a stack of 'Seinfeld' spec scripts that's taller than Kramer's hair? Either way, if you’re somehow "blessed" with an unshakeable desire to put pen to paper and forge magical worlds filled with plot twists, complex characters, and tantalizing dialogue, you’ve piped into the right blog post.
Let's be honest here, folks. Screenwriting isn't a cakewalk. It's more like trying to balance spinning plates on a unicycle while craftily plotting your escape route from a room full of Hollywood producers. But don't fret, dear creative soul. There exist treasured guidebooks, packed cover-to-cover with wisdom from the masters who have walked this path before, leaving behind a trail of successful flicks and TV shows).
Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting
by Syd Field
Why Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting is on this list: As budding screenwriters, we've all had those moments where our brilliant idea is stuck in our head, refusing to translate into words on paper. No worries, this book is here to rescue you from your creative rut. It's one of the best screenwriting books because it covers all the basics, and then some, making it a go-to resource for both beginners and experienced screenwriters.
In this book, Syd Field, revered as the 'guru of all screenwriters,' simplifies the process of screenwriting. He takes you through the core essentials, focusing on how to create a solid structure and powerful story. He also covers how to develop well-rounded characters, write engaging dialogue, and properly format your screenplay. This book bundles Field's years of experience and wisdom into easy-to-digest chapters, demystifying the art of screenwriting.
What readers like: Readers appreciate Field's straightforward approach, without any unnecessary fluff. They love his practical tips and examples, as well as his emphasis on understanding the fundamental elements before diving into the more complex aspects of scriptwriting. Most of all, readers value the confidence they gain from this book, fueling their drive to pursue their screenwriting dreams.
Check Price at AmazonStory: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting
by Robert McKee
Why Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting is on this list: With a name that's practically a thesis statement, this book screams 'comprehensive guide to screenwriting'. Add to that, McKee's reputation as a guru in the industry, it's a no-brainer why this book makes our top 12.
Think of this book as a roadmap for storytelling. It's like a GPS that guides you around your story, avoiding any dead ends or plot holes, and straight to a compelling narrative. McKee discusses how story structure, substance and style work together to form an engaging screenplay. It's practically a crash course in Screenwriting 101, conveniently packed into a single volume.
What readers like: Readers love McKee's down-to-earth approach to screenwriting. He's got this knack for taking complex theories and principles, and breaking them down into easy to digest nuggets of wisdom. Plus, his real-life examples from popular films make his lessons that much more relatable. It's like sitting down for a chat with a wise old sage of screenwriting. Except, you know, the sage is a book.
Check Price at AmazonMaking a Good Script Great
by Linda Seger
Why Making a Good Script Great is on this list: If you've ever wondered how to take a good script and turn it into something that'll make audiences gasp, laugh, and maybe even cry, then Linda Seger's 'Making a Good Script Great' is just what you need.
This powerhouse of a book will equip you with the tools and techniques to take your screenplay from 'meh' to 'magnificent'. Seger dives deep into the nitty-gritty, with insightful instructions on plot, characters, dialogue, and theme, along with zingy case studies from famous films. It's not only for screenwriters, but also directors, producers, and anyone interesting in crafting compelling stories.
What readers like: Readers appreciate how Seger breaks down complex writing techniques into digestible, practical tips. They're also massive fans of the real-life examples, which make the book not just a theoretical manual, but a fun, relatable read that makes you go, 'Oh, so that's how they did it in 'Star Wars'!'
Check Price at AmazonSave the Cat: The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need
by Blake Snyder
Why Save the Cat: The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need is on this list: Save the Cat is not called 'the last book on screenwriting you'll ever need' for nothing. This book will arm you with all the knowledge and skills you need to write screenplays that really pop.
Imagine a book that breaks down the art and science of screenwriting into digestible bits. That's what Save the Cat is all about. It is designed to take you on a journey from a blank page all the way to a screenplay that feels like a Hollywood blockbuster. Moreover, it provides practical tips such as the magic of 'saving the cat' scene to help you craft engaging and transformative characters.
What readers like: A glance at online reviews and you'll see glowing tributes about how this book turned novices into masters of screenplay. Readers love the clear, easy-to-understand language that makes grasping complex concepts a breeze. Plus, it's witty and entertaining – a welcome departure from the ordinary screenplay guides that can make you feel like you're studying quantum physics.
Check Price at AmazonThe Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script
by David Trottier
Why The Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script is on this list: If you want to be in the business of writing for the screen, this 'Bible' could be your saving grace. It's not just a book, it's your personal coach, guiding you through the forest of screenwriting. But no worries, it won't get preachy.
This David Trottier masterpiece covers pretty much everything you need to know about screenwriting. From developing a compelling plot to selling your script, it's all-inclusive. It's made even better with upto-date strategies, examples from latest movies and step-by-step guides. It's kinda like a GPS for newbies and a refresher for old hands in screenwriting.
What readers like: Readers love that Trottier treats his audience as friends on a journey. His delivery is clear and straightforward, free from any highfalutin' language. The mix of theory and practical application coupled with his sense of humor makes learning enjoyable. Readers also appreciate the formatting guidelines and selling tips. In short, people love that this book offers a well-rounded view of screenwriting that's hard to put down.
Check Price at AmazonThe Story Solution: 23 Actions All Great Heroes Must Take
by Eric Edson
Why The Story Solution: 23 Actions All Great Heroes Must Take is on this list: Want to write a film script that's as gripping as a big bowl of popcorn? Eric Edson's The Story Solution is a must-read. It drills down into the very core of what makes a hero a hero... and isn't that what good screenwriting is all about?
This book demystifies the art of storytelling with a simple, clear '23 actions' framework– making it approachable even for those totally new to scriptwriting. Don't be fooled though, seasoned screenwriters will also find pearls of wisdom to up their script game.
What readers like: Readers appreciate Edson's practical approach to screenplay writing. His engaging examples from popular films make the concepts easy to grasp, and the exercises will get your creative juices flowing like a Hollywood blockbuster. Expect to finish this book with a roadmap for creating unforgettable heroes - and a fierce desire to start typing 'FADE IN'.
Check Price at AmazonYour Screenplay Sucks!: 100 Ways to Make It Great
by William M. Akers
Why Your Screenplay Sucks!: 100 Ways to Make It Great is on this list: If your dream is to write an award-winning screenplay, well, this book is your first step. It's practical, hands-on, and teaches you not just how to avoid the pitfalls, but make your screenplay shine.
William M. Akers uses his funny and light-hearted style to point out common mistakes that can make a screenplay fall short. He offers a whopping 100 ways to elevate your script from 'meh' to 'marvelous'. Throughout the book, he stresses the importance of compelling storytelling, character development, and structure. There's even a section about how to handle criticism and rejection, because face it, we're gonna need it!
What readers like: Many readers appreciate Akers' straightforward and humorous writing style, which really takes the edge off a typically tricky process. They also love the practical tips he gives, allowing them to instantly apply the advice. The book is not only a guide, but it's a handy tool for screenplay writing that you can keep referring back to; it's like a valuable screenwriting buddy, without the need to share the popcorn.
Check Price at AmazonInside Story: The Power of the Transformational Arc
by Dara Marks
Why Inside Story: The Power of the Transformational Arc is on this list: It's not enough to have a mind-blowing script; it needs to have a riveting transformational arc too. And who better to walk us through that than Dara Marks herself in her book 'Inside Story: The Power of the Transformational Arc'? If you're into screenwriting and want to impress the heck out of your audience, this book is your new best friend.
Dara Marks takes your hand and guides you through developing your story from the inside out, teasing out the transformational arcs that make your screenplay unforgettable. It is a detailed exploration of applying a depth psychology to writing, by focusing on inner journey or emotional arc of characters, to create compelling stories that resonate deeply with audiences.
What readers like: Readers praise this book for its insightful tactics and user-friendly advice. They love how it transformed their ability to write well-rounded characters and engaging plots. Many have claimed it's as good as having an experienced screenwriting mentor sitting right next to you, whispering the secrets of the craft.
Check Price at AmazonWriting for Emotional Impact: Advanced Dramatic Techniques to Attract, Engage, and Fascinate the Reader from Beginning to End
by Karl Iglesias
Why Writing for Emotional Impact: Advanced Dramatic Techniques to Attract, Engage, and Fascinate the Reader from Beginning to End is on this list: Karl Iglesias knows his screenwriting onions. He breaks down the complex art of engaging viewers emotionally from start to finish, which is a juicy skill every screenwriter hankers for.
This book is pretty much in the title. It dishes out advanced techniques to keep your readers - or viewers, riveted to your story. It helps you create unforgettable characters, craft compelling dialogue, and design dramatic scenes. Wowza! If that's not a creative feast, we don't know what is.
What readers like: Readers love this book's practical, hands-on approach. Karl spills the beans on real examples from popular films. And he's not all talk - he gives exercises to flex those screenwriting muscles. Readers also appreciate his sense of humor laced throughout the book. It's like getting screenwriting tips from your cool uncle, on a Sunday afternoon.
Check Price at AmazonSecrets of Film Writing
by Tom Lazarus
Why Secrets of Film Writing is on this list: Screenwriting, as an art, goes beyond simply typing words into a script. Tom Lazarus's 'Secrets of Film Writing' earns a spot on our list because it guides you to explore the art of storytelling in a unique and cinematic way.
This book isn't just about the 'how-tos'. Lazarus, a seasoned screenwriter, shares personal experiences, anecdotes, and real-world examples on how to create compelling and unique stories for the big screen. From tips on selling your script, to advice on dealing with Hollywood's eccentricities, Lazarus gives you an insider's look into the world of film writing.
What readers like: Readers especially appreciate its practicality and Lazarus's humorous, yet straightforward, writing style. They love the examples from his own experiences in the industry, not just because they're entertaining, but also because they offer guidance that is grounded in reality. Lazarus's book gets two thumbs up for telling it like it is in an industry infamous for its glamour and glitz.
Check Price at AmazonAristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters: Storytelling Secrets from the Greatest Mind in Western Civilization
by Michael Tierno
Why Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters: Storytelling Secrets from the Greatest Mind in Western Civilization is on this list: Our screenwriting book list wouldn't be complete without a bit of ancient wisdom. After all, who knows more about crafting captivating stories than the granddaddy of Western thought, Aristotle? This book gives us a fresh take on his classic ideas, right through the lens of modern day screenwriting.
Tierno, an experienced screenwriter, decodes Aristotle's original Poetics and adapts them for the would-be Spielberg or Tarantino of today. It's chock full of tips, examples, and explanations that shine a light on Aristotle's often misunderstood ideas and how they can supercharge your screenplay. Expect a deep dive into plot development, characterisation, and how to evoke emotional response from the audience, all from a guy who's been there, and done that.
What readers like: Readers praise this book not just for its clarity and insight, but also for its practical application. It's like having Aristotle looking over your shoulder, nodding in approval as you plot your latest scene. They love the way Tierno breaks down complex ideas into simple, actionable advice – the kind that can make the difference between a forgettable script and a box office hit. Plus, there's something seriously cool about tying the timeless wisdom of a legendary philosopher to the fast-paced universe of Hollywood.
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