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The 7 Best Gothic Horror Short Story Collections

Thu Jan 11 2024

by Book Raider

Despite the comfort of sunny days and cheerfully chirping birds, haven’t you had those moments when yearn for a bit of gloom, a dash of horror, and a world dipped in darkness? The adrenaline rush from the thrill of the unknown, the thumping in your chest as fear engulfs your senses, and the delicious delirium of suspense makes gothic horror a genre worth exploring.

Enter the realm of the eery with a curated list of gothic horror short story collections that we've put together. If tales of haunted manors, petrifying phantoms, ghastly graveyards, and twisted minds kidnap your curiosity and hijack your heartbeat, you're in for a treat. Who needs sleep anyway when you can tuck yourself under your favorite quilt, sip on wine and plunge into the abyss of the best scares literature has to offer? So, pull up your blanket, make sure your doors are bolted, and nestle in for a chilling encounter with the netherworld.

The Doll's Alphabet by Camilla Grudova

The Doll's Alphabet

by Camilla Grudova

Why The Doll's Alphabet is on this list: The Doll's Alphabet is a spot-on example of gothic horror at its most remarkable, where darkness and the uncanny braid together to unsettle us in the cleverest ways.

The collection is an eerie ride into the creepy, bizarre world of werewolves, sewing machines that come to life, and dolls with strange intentions. Grudova litters her tales with surrealistic details, conjuring an atmosphere of dread that's tough to shake off. There's a gothic charm to her oddball universe, where the line between the living and the non-living blurs, and that's what brings the chill factor to the fore. It’s like stepping into a shadowy attic of a haunted Victorian mansion.

What readers like: Readers have praised this book for its strange, haunting imagery and unique narrative voice. The stories stick with you, like a tune you can’t get out of your head except it's a doll creepily blinking at you. So, if you fancy something a bit off the beaten track and aren't too scared of the dark, you'll probably enjoy cozying up with these weird, wonderful tales on a stormy night.

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Fen: Stories by Daisy Johnson

Fen: Stories

by Daisy Johnson

Why Fen: Stories is on this list: This isn't your average truckload of horrifying tales with creaky old mansions and towering monsters. Instead, it presents a collection of stories with a unique blend of gothic elements and modern themes, draped with eerie ambiance that sends cold shivers down the spine.

In this collection of short stories, Daisy Johnson weaves a mesmerizing tapestry of young women coming of age in a fen, an edgy, harsh, and brutal landscape that changes with the seasons. But don't be fooled. These fenlands harbor trouble and surreal transformations that bend the laws of reality.

What readers like: Readers totally dig the unexpected twists and turns, fascinating characters and, of course, the way every story gives you the creeps. It's not just the goosebumps, but the thought-provoking themes make the stories stick in your mind for days. This is a book for those who enjoy a side of existential dread with their morning cup of tea.

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Song for the Unraveling of the World by Brian Evenson

Song for the Unraveling of the World

by Brian Evenson

Why Song for the Unraveling of the World is on this list: Replete with atmospheric dread, uncanny incidents, and surreal, often grotesque imagery, this collection of short stories drums up true Gothic Horror vibes.

Brian Evenson lures us into the abyss, coaxing us just past the edge of our comfort zones with his masterfully eerie tales. From unsettling, often puzzling events that unfold in familiar, everyday settings to bizarre, otherworldly happenings, these tales are drenched in a dread-filled atmosphere that's sure to send shivers down your spine.

What readers like: Readers love the unique blend of Gothic Horror and existential dread Evenson delivers. The stories have an uncanny knack for drawing you in - they're like haunted-house thrill rides, where you're strapped in the front seat with no choice but to face the horrors head-on. The tales are distinct, yet share an underlying thread of unease and disquiet, making the collection a cohesive whole. Even as your heart beats a little too fast, you can't help but turn the page for the next spine-chilling journey.

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North American Lake Monsters: Stories by Nathan Ballingrud

North American Lake Monsters: Stories

by Nathan Ballingrud

Why North American Lake Monsters: Stories is on this list: This collection masters the fusion of creepy creatures and the all-too-human monsters among us, draped in the dark mist of gothic horror which fits perfectly into our list.

Wrapped in eerie tales, it explores the beauty and heartbreak of ordinary people caught in extraordinary circumstances. From a husband and father corrupted by his whimsical belief in an otherworldly lake creature to a young girl coming of age, clashing with the savage love of her transformed father. These stories will leave a fingerprint of dread on your mind, making sure the monsters stick around long after the last page is turned.

What readers like: Readers adore this for its bone-chilling narrative, elegantly laced with unexpected moments of tenderness. The blend of paranormal entities with the grotesque nature of humanity leaves them utterly captivated. They also delight in Ballingrud’s masterful storytelling and emotionally complex characters that etch themselves into the reader's memory even long after the stories end.

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Secret Life by Jeff VanderMeer

Secret Life

by Jeff VanderMeer

Why Secret Life is on this list: This book boldly blends an eye-watering take on the Gothic genre with tales that radiate eeriness. It's basically every horror fan's dream collection squeezed into one book. The Gothic horror motif lurks around every corner, waiting to pounce like a famished cat in a fish shop.

Secret Life is a collection of uncanny and unnerving short stories. Our author crafts wickedly awesome tales that focus on themes of death, decay, and the supernatural. The stories take you through surreal landscapes, introducing characters that are as bizarre as they are intriguing. VanderMeer plays around with reality more than a toddler plays with their food. Each tale is infused with an undercurrent of dread that gives that special chill which you wouldn't even get during a barefoot walk down an icy corridor at midnight.

What readers like: Readers absolutely dig the author's exceptional writing style that isn't afraid to spin tales as they should be spun. VanderMeer's vivid descriptions can make your imagination run wild and create your own personal horror movie- umm... I mean... scenic... horror... landscapes? Despite the creepiness, many love the complex characters, often finding themselves rooting for them despite knowing what they somewhat chillingly represent. But hey, who doesn't love a well-written, thought-provoking horror story that may keep you up at night, right?

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The Wide, Carnivorous Sky and Other Monstrous Geographies by John Langan

The Wide, Carnivorous Sky and Other Monstrous Geographies

by John Langan

Why The Wide, Carnivorous Sky and Other Monstrous Geographies is on this list: If Edgar Allan Poe was alive today and somehow thought H.P Lovecraft wasn't creepy enough, we think he'd write something like this collection. It's got everything a fan of Gothic horror would love - tales of dread, uncanny creatures, and ominous settings that will keep you awake and clutching your quilt in delicious terror

This collection is a bit of a road trip from hell. Langan takes us on a journey through chilling landscapes filled with things that go bump in the night. Featuring nine stories and a novella, the book traverses haunted houses, deserted woodlands, and a ghost-infested sky that prove why he's one of the modern masters of horror. Brace yourself for a real nerve-jangler

What readers like: Readers are drawn to the sheer creativity of the stories and the innovative ways Langan plays with classic horror themes. They appreciate the vivid descriptions that can be simultaneously beautiful and unnerving, creating an eerie contrast that sticks with you. They also praise the depth of the characters and the persisting sense of dread that keeps them turning the pages. Creepy crawlies and late-night noises will never be the same again after reading this.

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Teatro Grottesco by Thomas Ligotti

Teatro Grottesco

by Thomas Ligotti

Why Teatro Grottesco is on this list: Teatro Grottesco perfectly reflects the classic elements of gothic horror while showcasing short story excellence. It's all the darkness and spooks you'd expect from the genre, but in bite-sized chunks that you can digest before bedtime - provided you want to sleep that night, of course.

Teatro Grottesco is an anthology that introduces readers to the melancholy and horrifying world of Thomas Ligotti. The collection contains numerous stories tethered to the themes of decline, doom, and despair. But, it's not all doom and gloom. Amid the shadowy alleys of your worst nightmares, Ligotti infuses a certain beauty that only the best purveyors of gothic horror can achieve.

What readers like: Readers love how Ligotti's stories lure them into this eerie reality of dread and decay. The tales are nightmarish, yes, but in a way that makes them hard to put down. Each story unfolds like a sinister riddle, that once solved, offers an odd sense of satisfaction. Fans also appreciate the palpable mood of his prose; it's like a discrete character in its own right. All things considered, it's a book that gothic horror enthusiasts will likely clutch to their chest... when they aren't using their hands to cover their eyes, that is.

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